Welcome to your virtual academy! Whether you are just beginning or are a veteran in the workforce, Pre-College University “provides what you need to know before you go”, even for professionals. When you become a member of our community you gain access to our catalog of virtual and online development curriculum that will help you learn the soft skills and career readiness skills needed to prepare for your next job or improve in your current position. We will also provide self-discovery assessments that will help identify strengths you may already possess as well as recognize opportunity areas to further develop. In addition to the quality learning and self-assessment experience, we provide a coach that will conduct one on one and group sessions. This coach can be assessable during your journey to landing your job and follow you through your first six months after you start.
How do you embrace change? How well do you manage your emotions and stress? As a professional and in life, what are your strengths as well as opportunity areas for improvement? Our soft skills curriculum with help you brush up on or learn for the first time, critical skills that will help you maximize moments with everyone you encounter on the job, as well as in life.
Being ready for success in your career will add value to knowing what employers expect, how to work with a team, how to lead and even how to follow. Our all-encompassing career readiness curriculum will prepare you with the essential skills you need to produce a winning resume and cover letter, land that first job or advance in your current position, and much more.
What are the specific skills you need to apply for a specific job? How do you create and build a network for success? Do you have a strategy on how to form the right questions for the right conversations with the right people? Our workforce development experience includes a curriculum that will help you enhance your marketability and provide coaching and support to assist you with job placement. Whether it is soft skills, career readiness or workforce development, we are not only excited about your success, but are also committed to helping you succeed.